Fee & Tenant Charges

Check-in and check-out - There will be a charge from £150 - £195 (depending on size of your property) for an independent inventory clerk to meet your Tenant and carry out a check-in report, at the commencement of the tenancy and a contribution from £150 - £195 (again depending on the size of your property) towards the clerk checking the Property at the end of the tenancy.

Electrical Installation Condition Report - Upon your instruction we will arrange for an electrician to visit your property and carry out the relevant safety checks £360.

Energy Performance Certificate - Upon your instruction we will arrange for an energy assessor to visit the property, assess the energy rating and issue the certificate at a cost of £100.

Gas Safety Certificate - Upon your instruction we will arrange for a registered engineer to visit your property and carry out the relevant safety checks before issuing the certificate which will cost £120. A boiler service and gas safety certificate is a minimum of £210. (Parts not included)

Carbon Monoxide Alarm - Upon your instruction we will arrange for Installation of a CO alarm for £96

An Early Surrender of Tenancy Fee - of £360 is payable if you agree to end the Tenancy Agreement early in order for one or more Tenants, but not all Tenants, to replaced.

A Renewal Fee - of £420 is paid in order to drawing up the tenancy agreement, collecting references on the tenant, negotiate contracts, amend and update terms and re-register the security deposit with a Government-authorised scheme. It provides the tenant(s) with a Deposit Certificate and Prescribed Information within 30 days of the start of the tenancy.

All prices include VAT